Earthly facts

Earthly facts

Earth’s circumference: 40,075Km.

1 degree equals 69 miles ( 111 Km)

1 Minute equals 6000 feet

1 second equals 101 feet.

Now do the math, if you reserve 1 byte for every 1 MtrSqr,

1 Km2 will require 10MB of space,

10Km x 10Km = 100 Km2 will require 1GB.

30Km x 30Km = small city = 900 Km2 will require approx 10GB.

1 SqrMtr imaging of a small city will need 10G * 100000(100KB image) = 1000000G = 1000T.

and with Google 100Mtr x 100Mtr block, it will require 100GB to cover a small city ( 30Km x 30 Km crosssection )


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